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News 2022. Fly Fishing Catch Reports, Water Level, Water Temp

Gjerfloen Flyfishing, Norway. Updated information bout fishing conditions on the fly fishing zone, water level and water temperature in the Trysil river.

You will also find information concerning fly fishermen, catch reports, may fly hatching, statistics of catches, weather forecast, origin of fishermen and other things of interest for fly fishers and fishermen. (English only)

Riverkeeper and grayling

The fly fishing guide and river keeper with a standard grayling on the upper part of the fly zone


Lars Lenth

Video Lars&Lars at Landsjøen in June 2013



Nytt isfiskekonsept. Mormyskafiske med attraktor. Blinken er laget av plast og er vektløs i vann. Forsiktig fisk kan dermed dra avgårde med kroken uten å merke motstand. Blinken festes til snøret med duppstoppere og kan flyttes opp og ned på snøret etter behov.

Blinken kan også brukes som attraktor på ulike måter ved sommerfiske. Read more

Statistics of reported catches 2022

Size in cm
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
+ 40


















































*Cpd: Catch per fisherman/day

During the 2022 season 325 fishing licenses were sold (2021: 189) and 1865 fishes were reported on Gjerfloen Flyfishing (2021: 1626). This season we had no corona restrictions, and fishermen from 11 nations were visiting Gjerfloen Flyfishing. Exept July, we had good fishing condition most of the time.


Statistics of reported catches in October

Size in cm
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
+ 40

18 licenses were sold in October. The water flow was most of the time above or normal for October and fishing conditions were general OK. Average catch per day (Cpd) 9,3

31.10. Water flow down to 59 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

30.10. Water flow up to 61 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

29.10. Water flow down to 60 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

28.10. Water flow down to 61 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good. I few rising graylings were observed yesterday.

27.10. Water flow down to 62 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

26.10. Water flow up to 64 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

25.10. Water flow down to 62 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

24.10. Water flow down to 63 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

23.10. Water flow down to 65 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

22.10. Water flow down to 67 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

21.10. Water flow down to 69 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

20.10. Water flow down to 73 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are OK.

19.10. Water flow down to 77 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are OK.

18.10. Water flow down to 84 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are improving.

17.10. Rain yesterday and last night brought the water flow up to 93 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are not good at the moment.

16.10. Rain yesterday and last night brought the water flow up to 90 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are not good at the moment.

15.10. Water flow up to 63 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

14.10. Water flow up to 62 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

13.10. Water flow down to 59 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

12.10. Water flow down to 61 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

11.10. Water flow down to 62 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

10.10. Water flow down to 63 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

09.10. Water flow down to 66 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

08.10. Water flow down to 70 m3/s this morning. Normal flow at the moment is 68 m3/s. Fishing conditions are good again.

07.10. Water flow up to 76 m3/s this morning, but is now on the way down again. Fishing conditions are a bit difficult at the moment.

06.10. Rain yesterday and last night brought the water flow up to 74 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are difficult at the moment.

05.10. Water flow 59 m3/s also this morning. Fishing conditions are good

04.10. Water flow down to 59 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good

03.10. Water flow down to 61 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

02.10. Water flow up to 62 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

01.10. Water flow down to 61 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.


Statistics of reported catches in September

Size in cm
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
+ 40

106 licenses were sold in September. The water flow was lower than normal for September and fishing conditions were good most of the time. Average catch per day (Cpd) 5,6

30.09. Water flow down to 63 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

29.09. Water flow down to 68 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are OK.

28.09. Water flow up to 76 m3/s this morning, but is now on the way down again. Fishing conditions are improving.

27.09. Water flow up to 66 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are a bit tricksy.

26.09. Water flow down to 64 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are OK During trhe course this week end 14 fishermen landed 160 graylings.

25.09. Water flow up to 66 m3/s this morning, but will turn over and go down again later today., Fishing conditions are a bit tricksy today too.

24.09. Water flow up to 51 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions will be a bit tricksy today.

23.09. Water flow down to 47 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are very good.

22.09. Water flow down to 48 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are very good.

21.09. Water flow down to 49 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are very good.

20.09. Water flow down to 51 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are very good.

19.09. Water flow down to 52 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are very good.

18.09. Water flow down to 54 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are very good.

17.09. Water flow down to 56 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are very good.

16.09. Water flow down to 60 m3/s this morning, Fishing conditions are beginning to be very good again.

15.09. Water flow down to 66 m3/s this morning, which is normal this time of the season. Fishing conditions are good. No more rain is predickted so the flow will decrease the next 7 days.

14.09. Rain yesterday brought the water flow up to 76 m3/s this morning, but is now on the way down again. Fishing conditions are improving.

13.09. Rain last night brought the water flow up to 46 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions will be difficult today.

12.09. Water flow down to 42 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good

11.09. Water flow down to 43 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good

10.09. Water flow down to 44 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good

09.09. Water flow down to 45 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good

08.09. Water flow down to 46 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good. Reidar Moen, Norway, landed 41 graylings Tuesday and Wednesday. All with CDC caddis dry fly.

07.09. Water flow down to 48 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

06.09. Water flow down to 50 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

05.09. Water flow 51 m3/s also this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

04.09. Water flow down to 51 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good. Lars Haugen, Norway, landed 68 graylings this week end..

03.09. Water flow down to 52 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

02.09. Water flow down to 53 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good. Team Stefan Johansson Sweden, (3 persons) landed 52 graylings yesterday, mainly dry fly. During Wednesday and Thursday, Jan Berndtson, Sweden, landed 52 graylings. All with dry fly.

01.09. Water flow down to 55 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.


Statistics of reported catches in August

Size in cm
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
+ 40

69 licenses were sold in August. The fishing conditiond were good most of the time. Average catch per day (Cpd) 9,7

31.08. Water flow down to 57 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

30.08. Water flow down to 59 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

29.08. Water flow down to 61 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good. During the Norwegian Cup flyfishing arrangement last week end, 17 fishermen landed 351 fishes.

Size in cm
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
+ 40

28.08. Water flow down to 64 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are beginning to be very good.

27.08. Water flow down to 66 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

26.08. Water flow down to 69 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

25.08. Water flow down to 73 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are quite good.

24.08. Water flow down to 79 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are OK.

23.08. Water flow down to 87 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are beginning to be OK again.

22.08. Water flow down to 101 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are improving.

21.08. Water flow up to 129 m3/s this morning, but is on the way down again after culmination yesterday evenining at 145 m3/s. Fishing conditions are difficult at the moment.

20.08. Water flow up to 127 m3/s this morning. Rain last night will bring the flow further up during the day. Fishing conditions are very difficult at the moment.

19.08. Water flow down to 91 m3/s this morning., but is at the moment on the way up again after rain yesterday and last night. The fishing conditions are not good at the moment. The flow will begin to go down again this evening, Just a little rain is predicted the days ahead and fishing will be better again the next days.

18.08. Water flow up to 98 m3/s this morning. The flow is on the way down again, but fishing conditions are still difficult.

17.08. Water flow up to 93 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very difficult at the moment.

16.08. Water flow up to 43 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good. Raing water means that fishing today will be a bit tricky. More rain is predicted today. It means that the flow will go more up and fishing tomorrow will be difficult.

15.08. Water flow down to 41 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

14.08. Water flow down to 42 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

13.08. Water flow down to 43 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

12.08. Water flow down to 44 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

11.08. Water flow down to 45 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

10.08. Water flow down to 46 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

09.08. Water flow down to 47 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

08.08. Water flow down to 48 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

07.08. Water flow down to 50 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

06.08. Water flow down to 54 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

05.08. Water flow down to 61 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

04.08. Rain yesterday brought the water flow up to 62 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions today are not good. From tomorrow the flow will begin to go down again and fishing will be better.

03.08. Water flow 47 m3/s also this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

02.08. Water flow up to 47 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

01.08. Water flow down to 45 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.


31.07. Water flow down to 46 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

30.07. Water flow down to 47 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

29.07. Water flow down to 49 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

28.07. Water flow down to 52 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

27.07. Water flow up to 54 m3/s this morning. Rain yesterday brought the water flow up during the last 24 hours, but it is now culminating and will go down agai.n Fishing conditions are still very good.

26.07. Water flow up to 49 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

25.07. Water flow down to 48 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

24.07. Water flow down to 49 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

23.07. Water flow down to 50 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

22.07. Water flow down to 51 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

21.07. Water flow down to 52 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

20.07. Water flow down to 53 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

19.07. Water flow down to 55 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

18.07. Water flow down to 56 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

17.07. Water flow down to 58 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

16.07. Water flow down to 60 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are very good.

04.07. Water flow down to 68 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

03.07. Rain yesterday brought the water flow up to 70 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are OK

02.07. Water flow down to 65 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

01.07. Water flow down to 66 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.


Statistics of reported catches in June

Size in cm
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
+ 40

82 licenses were sold in June. The water flow was lower than normal for June and fishing conditiond were good most of the time. The last week we had warm weather and the water temperarure became a bit too high. Average catch per day (Cpd) 5,8

30.06. Water flow down to 68 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good. 5 fishermen from Totebo, Sweden reported 155 fishes, all sizes, from Sunday till Wednesday this week.

29.06. Water flow up to 71 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are OK

28.06. Water flow up to 66 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

27.06. Water flow down to 64 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

26.06. Water flow down to 65 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

25.06. Water flow down to 67 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

24.06. Water flow down to 69 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

23.06. Water flow down to 72 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

22.06. Water flow down to 74 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good.

21.06. Water flow down to 76 m3/s this morning.

20.06. Water flow down to 79 m3/s this morning.

19.06. Water flow down to 81 m3/s this morning. Normal flow at the moment is 115 m3/s. Fishing conditions are good.

18.06. Water flow down to 83 m3/s this morning. The DANICA was observed onthe fly zone yesterday.

17.06. Water flow down to 86 m3/s this morning. Two Germans landed 44 graylings yesterday.

16.06. Water flow down to 87 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good for this time of ther season. From Monday till Wednesday 4 Swedish flyfishermen landed 86 graylings and 1 brown trout. 8 graylings were +40 centmeters.

15.06. Water flow down to 90 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are good for this time of ther season.

14.06. Water flow down to 93 m3/s this morning.

13.06. Water flow down to 95 m3/s this morning.

12.06. Water flow down to 98 m3/s this morning. Very few fishermen on the fly zone so far this season. Now the real hatchings have started and the graylings have started the party!

11.06. Water flow down to 103 m3/s this morning. The seagulls were very active, picking up may flies on the river surface yesterday evening. A massive hatching period at 9 o'clock pm. I could not really see which specie it was.

10.06. Water flow down to 109 m3/s this morning.

09.06. Rain yesterday brought the water flow up to 110 m3/s this morning. Normal flow for the time being is aprox 130 m3/s. The sulphurea hatching will now start in the very near future. We still have to wait another 10 days to see the danica appear on the surface.

08.06. Water flow down to 101 m3/s this morning.

07.06. Water flow down to 105 m3/s this morning. Fishing conditions are beginning to be OK.

06.06. Water flow down to 110 m3/s this morning.

05.06. Water flow down to 114 m3/s this morning. The next days the real hatching will start and the dry fly season is here again.

04.06. Water flow down to 120 m3/s this morning.

03.06. Water flow down to 122 m3/s this morning.

02.06. Water flow up to 127 m3/s this morning.

01.06. Water flow up to 114 m3/s this morning.


31.05. Water flow down to 112 m3/s this morning. Normal flow at the moment would be aprox 160 m3/s

30.05. Water flow down to 115 m3/s this morning.

29.05. Water flow down to 118 m3/s this morning.

28.05. Water flow up to 121 m3/s this morning. The flood has now culminated and will be down again the next days, Normal flood at the moment would be aprox 200 m3/s. The dry fly area on the upper part of the fly zone is absolutely OK for fishing. From the middle of the week we shall have warmer weather and then the hatching will really start.

27.05. Water flow down to 106 m3/s this morning. The first rising graylings were seen a few days ago. We had not much snow and very little rain this spring and therefore a vey low spring flood. We have had some rain the last few days and the water flow is at the moment going up. Now the weather forecast say that the rain will stop, and the flow will begin to go down again during the week end.


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Perfect fishing conditions happen only twice, the day before and the day after!

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 Fishing tip!
Dry fly


Pink Panter

October grayling

Brown Trout

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Snorre Grønnæss, Galåsvegen 1635, N-2427 Plassen, Norway| +47 90 16 41 39 | gjerflue@online.no | © Gjerfloen Fluefiske, Trysil